- Can I stay off site (i.e., not lodge at Asilomar) and still attend the retreat? Do I still need to register if I select this option?
- Yes, attendees may lodge off site and still attend the retreat. Attendees that select this option are responsible for arranging their off site lodging, as well as transportation between said lodging and Asilomar. Attendees who plan to utilize this option still are required to register if they plan to attend the retreat.
- How do lab members pay to attend the retreat?
- The only acceptable form of payment to attend the retreat is a confirmed UCSF/UCB fund source. Interested lab members should work with their PI to determine the best fund source for their attendance.
- Is it possible to register for just one day of the retreat?
- We do not offer the ability to register for lodging on site at Asilomar for just one of the two nights. Those looking to lodge at Asilomar would be expected to commit to both nights (9/20 and 9/21). Those who can only do one night, but are still wanting to attend, should plan to lodge off site.
- Does UCSF/UCB provide transportation from these institutions to Asilomar and back?
- Neither UCSF nor UCB take responsibility for transporting attendees between the Bay Area and Asilomar. Attendees should plan to plan their travel plans in advance themselves to ensure they have a strategy in place to move back and forth between these locations.
- I see that the registration form does not send an autoconfirmation upon completion. How can I ensure that my registration has been successfully sent in?
- You can email [email protected] at any point to confirm the status of your registration.
- When will I receive my official attendee confirmation?
- Early July all confirmed registrants (not including the waitlist) will be emailed their official confirmation.
- If I want to present a poster, what is the ideal size?
- 2 ft x 4 ft, though the Asilomar poster displays are quite large and can accommodate larger posters if needed.
- If I have noted my interest to present a talk and/or poster during registration, when will I hear back on if I have been confirmed for these?
- Those selected to present a talk will be informed by early August 2024. Those who sign up to present a poster during registration can consider themselves approved to present a poster unless informed otherwise by retreat leadership.
- What do I do if I miss the registration deadline (7/6/24)? Are there still options to register after the deadline?
- Individuals can continue to register for the retreat past the deadline, though their registration will include an acknowledgement that late registrants are added to a waitlist, and not guaranteed a room on site. As rooms become available, individuals on this waitlist will be notified if space for them has been made available at Asilomar, or if they would need to arrange off site lodging in order to attend.
- When will each day's schedule of activities be published?
- The detailed schedule will not be published until the retreat itself. The general outline for the retreat will be published on the website a month or so out from the retreat start date. Broadly, activities will commence at noon on Friday 9/20, continue all day Saturday 9/21, and then guests will depart Sunday 9/22 (there is no planned programing Sunday 9/22).