Cancelation Policy

Our cancelation policy is categorized in stages of when the attendee is canceling their reservation. Also, please note, refunds for the cancelations of guests are also covered by this policy (in other words, if an attendee registers to have several family members join for the retreat, but then informs the organizers that their family members will no longer be joining, the attendee will be charged for these guests cancelations per the below policy).

  • Stage 1 - Any time leading up to August 13th 2024 at 5pm: During this period, all cancelations are "no-fee" cancelations, meaning that no charges will be sent to registrant speedtypes as long as the cancelation is confirmed prior to the above date.
  • Stage 2 - Between August 13th 2024 at 5pm and September 11th 2024 at 5pm: All attendee charges are broken up into lodging fees and conference indicentals. Any cancelation during this period will result in the registrant speedtype being charged for all lodging fees (i.e., the registrant and their guests), though they will not be charged any incidentals.
  • Stage 3 - Any time after September 11th 2024 at 5pm: Any cancelation during this period will result in the registrant speedtype being charged for both lodging fees and conference incidentals for both the registrant and any canceled guests.
  • No shows: Those that chose not to let the retreat organizers know that they are canceling are charged for both lodging fees and conference incidentals for both the registrant and canceled guests.


Note, cancelations as the result of postitive COVID infection will have their case reviewed by their respective home institution.